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Master Degree - Natural resource management for tropical rural development

Introduction to the course

Food and water security, climate change, access to agricultural markets, land grabbing, conservation of biological and cultural diversity, valorisation of local traditions are some of the major problems that affect the progress of rural areas in the Global South.

The level of intensification and the environmental impact of the different possible solutions to face these problems must be carefully considered case by case.

Modern technologies can bring consistent increase of productivity in advanced areas; at the same time expensive technologies with high environmental impact cannot be proposed in marginal areas where, instead, sustainable solutions can be implemented with reduced costs and can be based on the scientific modernization of local traditions.


Identity of the course

The MSc (Laurea Magistrale) in Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development of the University of Florence promotes research and professional training in the sectors of modern and sustainable agriculture, land and water management, forestry and animal sciences, and identifies as preferential area of intervention the little and medium-scale farms of the South of the World, without neglecting technologically advanced forms of interventions in rural areas of that guarantee the environmental, economic and social sustainability and the respect of local populations.



The mission of the MSc is the education and training of agronomists expert in the technical and scientific areas of food production, environmental conservation, rural development and land and water management.


Employment opportunities

The MSc program is primarily designed for the training of technical experts, researchers, project designers and coordinators in the area of international cooperation for rural development, environmental management in tropical areas and international marketing of livestock, crop and forestry products.
Potential employers are to identify within:

  • Companies operating in production and marketing of agricultural and livestock products overseas with special focus on tropical and subtropical area
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in development and cooperation
  • National and international institutions working on land and water management, agricultural cooperation and development
  • National and international institutions responsible for food safety in relation to international trade
  • National and international research institutions working on agriculture and rural environment.


last update: 02-July-2021
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