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Master Degree - Natural resource management for tropical rural development

Available theses

Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development - List of


Contact person

Possible location

Indicative subject


Land and Water

Water Harvesting Lab (Elena Bresci, Giulio Castelli)

Home country of the candidate

Possible selection among Angola, Mozambique, Tunisia, Niger, Senegal, Kenya, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Nepal, Myanmar, Bolivia

Modelling of African river basins with the new QSWAT+ model (
Land suitability for Road Water Harvesting structures with GIS and remote sensing
Water Harvesting suitability analysis and siting with GIS and remote sensing
Use of WaPOR software for water productivity and water scarcity analysis (
Drought assessment with rainfall data analysis and drought indices calculation with GIS and remote sensing


Land and Water

Daniele Penna


Understanding water sources for vines tranpiration through isotopic approach in hilly Tuscany wineyards (Montepaldi)

Significant field and lab work required

Tropical Tree Crops

Edgardo Giordani

Home country of the candidate (Afghanistan preferred).

Laboratory of Pomology - DAGRI-UNIFI

Production of fruits in home country.
Evaluating the quality of tropical fruits available in Florence.
Review on specific topics of perennial horticulture.
Applying multivariate analysis on the nutritional properties of tropical fruits.
Applying Multi Criteria Decision Analysis on fruit value chains

Some activties can be arried on in Firenze


Giuliana Parisi


The perspectives of the insects as food and as feed in developing countries


Tropical plant ecology

Piero Bruschi

Home country of the candididate

Traditional uses of plants (food, medicinal and others).


Livestock Production Systems

Riccardo Bozzi


THI effect on beef cattle performance

Computer programming skills required

Livestock Production Systems

Riccardo Bozzi


Tools to monitor and to manage relatedness and inbreeding in small populations

Computer programming skills required


Marco Napoli

Laboratory - DAGRI-UNIFI

Biofortification of cereals and legumes
Crop suitability assessment in remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil
Soil-based fertilizer recommendations for precision farming
Statistical Modeling of Crop-Weather Relationship in Pakistan (cotton, sugar cane, wheat)

Significant field and lab work required
Computer programming skills required

Livestock Production

Carolina Pugliese


A review on meat and milk quality characteristics of the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedaries) and two-humped camel (Camelus bacterianus).


Livestock Production

Carolina Pugliese


Assessment of small ruminants value chain: breeds, farming systems, production and commercialization (milk, meat, wool ..) in an area of ​​your interest


Crop Protection - Entomology

Patrizia Sacchetti

Entomology laboratories - DAGRI-Unifi

Investigations on the host-parasitoid system Ceratitis capitata - Diachasmimorpha longicaudata aimed at improving biological control of fruit flies: experiments on host-recognition, parasitization rate and response to semiochemicals.
Repellency and toxicity evaluation of different origin compounds on Ceratitis capitata

Only lab work will be carried on.

Crop Protection - Entomology

Patrizia Sacchetti

Home country of the student, after agreement with local scientists (if available)

Survey, monitoring and damage assessment of fruit flies in pomegranate (Afghanistan)
Survey, monitoring and IPM of fruit flies of different fruit trees (depending on crops cultivated in the country)
Biological control against different insect pests (depending on crops cultivated in the country)

Field work combined to lab observations is required

Machinery systems in the tropical agri-food chain

Francesco Garbati Pegna

Home country of the candidate

An overview of the use of light agricultural machinery in a region of the country

Field survey based activity

Machinery systems in the tropical agri-food chain

Francesco Garbati Pegna


Tools for coffee cultivation in Ethiopia

Bibliographic investigation and field survey based activity

Machinery systems in the tropical agri-food chain

Francesco Garbati Pegna


Coffee processing in Ethiopia

Bibliographic investigation and field survey based activity

available theses - December 2020

last update: 02-July-2021
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