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Master Degree - Natural resource management for tropical rural development


The course quality is monitored and assessed following the rules of the Italian university system by a Review Group. The Review Group  is a special commission with self-assessment tasks of the training offer provided by the course, which also includes the student component. The primary task of the Review Group is to identify the strengths, with the aim of keeping them unchanged over time, and the areas of weakness on which to undertake subsequent improvement actions.

The Review Group is responsible for the proper conduct of the internal evaluation and reports the results to the Council of the Course, thus allowing to have a complete sharing of strengths and areas for improvement. The Council approves the improvement plan and the President of the Course is responsible for reviewing and implementing the identified actions. The Council and the Review Group liaise with the School of Agriculture for an adequate coordination of the actions relating to the quality of training.

last update: 01-July-2021
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